Printed promotional items have to be useful as well as practical. As a result, our variety of trolley coins is one of our best sellers. With items ranging from executive to standard, you’ll find that you are reaching a wide range of people with this affordable item.
Silicon Coin
Our silicon coin combines the best selling trolley coin along with a tactile silicon strap and keyring attachment. Making your item a lot more eye-catching and also easier to find in your handbag.
Minimum Order Quantity: 100

Trolley Coin – Full Colour
If you have a full-colour design or detailed artwork, it’s no problem, we can print it onto your coin. Our trolley coin comes with a split ring and dog clip attachment making sure your item is always handy on your keys.
Printed 1 side
Minimum Order Quantity: 100

Trolley Coin – Soft Enamel
One of the most practical and useful promotional items as they make a great keyring and also are useful at the supermarket or the gym. Our coin comes with a split ring and dog clip attachment making sure your item is always handy on your keys.
Printed 1 or both sides in up to 4 individual spot colours
Minimum Order Quantity: 100